- Using a
hand-held device such as a mini-voice recorder, begin your investigation
by speaking clearly into the microphone by stating your name, date,
location and who is with you
- Begin to ask questions as you walk around the area. What is your
name? Your age? What was happening at the time of your death (so you can
find out when they died)? Get creative, you never know what they'll
come back with
- Some noises are man-made: car outside, coughing, tripping over a
table in the dark, etc. Be sure to record that in your notes and on the
voice recording so you won't think it's a ghost later
- When you've finished asking your questions, stop the recording. Play it back when you have a quiet moment, be sure to take notes and share the recording with the other investigators on your team for their interpretation
- Obvious voices that are not from your team
- Breathing
- Scratching
- Static
- Animals
- Unidentifiable noises
Click here to listen to an EVP my WEE Ghosties team recorded at the West Virginia Penitentiary in 2008. We spent the night in a spooky abandoned prison and while we didn't see or hear a thing as we wandered the cold rooms, they apparently noticed us.
1 comment:
woo hooo that was spooky! :) Happy Book Birthday!
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