Legalities of paranormal investigations

Any investigation dealing with public or private property should have ground rules; these should be written down and signed by both parties as to what is allowable and what needs to be left alone. Click on the link below for a good article on how to set up forms to protect your group and your client.

The Importance of Paperwork on a Paranormal Investigation


Talia said...

This is interesting, and something that would never have occurred to me. I've seen some of the ghost investigations on TV (reality TV I guess you'd call it) where they set up all the heat sensing equipment as well as having a psychic, a paranormal expert etc. They would definitely have paperwork and releases!

Unknown said...

I would have never thought of the legal paperwork that would go along with that type of investigation. The article was very informative and even sparked an idea for a future story.

Marica said...

I really enjoyed reading the posts here. good blog!

Anonymous said...

It's a bit like oral history, isn't it? You need to be aware of sensitivities and ownership and emotional responses to what you're doing and all these have potential legal implications.

If you ever come to Australia, factor in a visist to Canberra, which has so many ghosts that people run ghost tours. We even have a Prime Ministerial ghost.

R.Tuggle said...

neat site! If you want to see what my ghost hunting group does, visit my page at
