Ghost hunting is all about the waiting. No matter how many books you read, shows you watch,
or excursions you go out on yourself, you'll find that 99% of the investigations turn up with little more to show than a sore bottom and earnest EVP questions into a wobbly recorder. However, that's part of the deal: you wait - they reveal when they're ready. Sometimes you're lucky, like when my partner in Wee Ghosties and I recorded a phantom child during a brief EVP session in an alley in Winchester, Virginia. We saw nothing that would have indicated paranormal activity while we were there, just a story about a possible ghost. Of course, the man whose house we were unwittingly standing in front of (it was a bakery at one time and we thought was abandoned) startled the beejeebus out of us when he said howdy. Forget the dead: the living have a much more wicked sense of humor.
But on most of our investigations, it's all show and no gho(st). Recently, we had a case where the businessowner reported footsteps, voices, and feelings of being watched. I usually just get that when I'm trying to sleep and my seven-year-old wants a glass of water. During our investigation, we experienced little of these things, and found mundane causes for what we believe were other concerns. Was it a bust? Heck no. Each opportunity to experience something paranormal gives our curiosity a chance to stretch its legs and rediscover why we're in this crazy business. That floating head may be just around the corner.
What evidence have you found of the paranormal?
1 comment:
In my experiences, I still get so much out of it when nothing happens. Cool photos. I can blog about the experiences. Depending on where I'm at, I learn a little about history. But I can very much relate. The last place my group investigated (unfortunately it was months ago) we were looking for evidence of a little girl in a building dating from 1867 that we know was at one time a bakery, but most likely also a saloon and who knows what else since then. It is currently a pizza place. Nice to find your blog.
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